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 Emmy's Art is popularly known as

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Emmy Lu

World Renowned Artist

"Famously Known as a Happy Colorist"

Images As Seen In The Interior Decor - Shop Here

*All material on this website is Federally protected, No unauthorized graphic and/or any other form of representation is permitted without full consent from herein stated artist as Emmy Lu. Any infringement of Emmy Lu's creative property rights will be dealt with severe legal remedies.
1authentication 18 x 24 price $ 750.jpg

Arhentication                                           16" x 24'

2-peaceful 30 x 40 $ $ 1500.jpg

Peaceful                                           30" x 40

9-convo 30 x 24.jpg

Convo                                                                  30" X 24

loving eyes B.jpg
loving eyes A.jpg

Loving Eyes                                                 30" X 24

bonnano franchise head Office Art.jpg
still components.jpg
naked fashion.jpg
the patio hotel clyde bank.jpg
30-whiskey, wine and sound.jpg
vegas karen interiors.jpg
sciatica exercise.jpg
mademoiselle mademoiselle.jpg
sensual dancer.jpg
Love Token-Hypnotizing-Porch.jpg
Photo 1.jpg
Appointments Only 2.jpg
2023-0203 logo current.jpg
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